Five Ditches: Rio Grande Diversion and Headgate Improvement
Category: Irrigation Infrastructure
Organization: Colorado Rio Grande Restoration Foundation
Date Approved: September 2017
Basin Funds: $98,000
State Funds: $882,000
The Five Ditches Project sought funding to help improve the degrading headgates and diversion dams of the San Luis Valley Canal, Centennial Ditch, Consolidated Ditch, Rio Grande #2 Canal, and Pace Ditch. Automation is being incorporated into these structures to help with water administration, and fish and boat passage are included in the diversion dams where appropriate. In the winter of 2017, the Centennial dam, Rio Grande #2 headgate, and Pace and Consolidated headgates were replaced. The Consolidated dam and SLV Canal headgate were completed in the spring of 2019.