Rio Grande Basin Plan, State Water Issues
Public Education Outreach & Participation (PEPO) funding was recently expanded by the Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) to include a “Statewide Initiatives” category. In creating the Statewide Initiatives category, the Water Plan serves as the main driver...
Land Use, Local Water Concerns, Rio Grande Basin Plan, Water 2022
The Upper Culebra Watershed Assessment is being completed to evaluate watershed conditions within the Culebra River basin and develop projects and strategies to address watershed health concerns. The assessment approach is based on community-identified areas of...
Local Water Concerns, Rio Grande Basin Plan
One of the most cussed and discussed concepts is whether there is a billion acre-feet, or two billion, or some other huge volume of groundwater contained in the aquifers of the Valley. We still see these numbers being cited by some people as justification for new...
Local Water Concerns, Rio Grande Basin Plan
Let’s take a close look at the San Luis Valley’s confined aquifer. What is the reality? Does confined aquifer water, deeply buried and out of sight under much of the Valley, have any connection to the unconfined aquifer or to surface streams? How is water recharged...