Rio Grande Basin Plan
To develop the Rio Grande Basin Plan the Basin Plan’s Steering Committee and subcommittees identified 14 goals for the Plan. These goals focus on the most important issues confronting the Basin and strive to achieve long-term sustainability in water supplies and uses....
Rio Grande Basin Plan
Colorado’s population surpassed 5 million people in the summer of 2008, and it is expected to double to 10 million people by 2050. The majority of the growth will be on Colorado’s Front Range, but the fastest growth rates will occur on the Western Slope. The...
Rio Grande Basin Plan
For decades Agriculture has been associated with the production of food crops. Accordingly, agriculture and farming were both one and the same, as long as farming was not commercialized. But as time has progressed and economic development has accelerated, there have...
Rio Grande Basin Plan
This article is an excerpt from the Rio Grande Basin Plan Executive Summary and serves as the culmination of many hours work from the Rio Grande Basin Roundtable members and many Upper Rio Grande Basin citizens, Non-government Organizations and Agencies. Part One: The...