3 events found.
Roundtable Education Committee Meeting
623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO 81101 623 Fourth St, AlamosaWe will discuss the ed plan for the remainder of the year as well as our upcoming Ed Committee Retreat at Trinchera Ranch on December 5th. In addition, we have […]
November RGBRT Meeting
Agenda Minutes
November Roundtable Meeting
Rio Grande Water Conservation District Office 8805 Independence Way, AlamosaTo join meeting by computer paste the following link into your browser: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9957364861?pwd=VjFBTGtJK0pKY29iemROell1R1l1dz09 Or call in info: +1 312 626 6799 US Meeting ID: 995 736 4861 Passcode: 962140 Agenda