January 2017 Roundtable Meeting

623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO 81101 623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO, United States

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February 2017 Roundtable Meeting

623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO 81101 623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO, United States

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March 2017 Roundtable Meeting

623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO 81101 623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO, United States

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April 2017 Roundtable Meeting

623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO 81101 623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO, United States

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May 2017 Roundtable Meeting

623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO 81101 623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO, United States

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June 2017 Roundtable Meeting

623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO 81101 623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO, United States

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July 2017 Roundtable Meeting

623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO 81101 623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO, United States

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September 2017 Roundtable Meeting

623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO 81101 623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO, United States

Download meeting minutes

October 2017 Roundtable Meeting

623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO 81101 623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO, United States

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November 2017 Roundtable Meeting

623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO 81101 623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO, United States

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January 2018 Roundtable Meeting

623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO 81101 623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO, United States

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February 2018 Roundtable Meeting

623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO 81101 623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO, United States

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March 2018 Roundtable Meeting

623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO 81101 623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO, United States

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April 2018 Roundtable Meeting

623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO 81101 623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO, United States

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May 2018 Roundtable Meeting

623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO 81101 623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO, United States

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July 2018 Roundtable Meeting

623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO 81101 623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO, United States

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August 2018 Roundtable Meeting

623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO 81101 623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO, United States

Download meeting minutes

September 2018 Roundtable Meeting

623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO 81101 623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO, United States

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October 2018 Roundtable Meeting

623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO 81101 623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO, United States

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December 2018 Roundtable Meeting

623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO 81101 623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO, United States

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January 2019 Roundtable Meeting

623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO 81101 623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO, United States

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February 2019 Roundtable Meeting

623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO 81101 623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO, United States

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March 2019 Roundtable Meeting

623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO 81101 623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO, United States

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May 2019 Roundtable Meeting

623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO 81101 623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO, United States

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June 2019 Roundtable Meeting

623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO 81101 623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO, United States

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July 2019 Roundtable Meeting

623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO 81101 623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO, United States

Download meeting agenda

September 2019 Roundtable Meeting

623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO 81101 623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO, United States

Meeting Agenda Meeting Minutes

November 2019 Roundtable Meeting

623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO 81101 623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO, United States

Meeting Agenda Meeting Minutes

December 2019 Roundtable Meeting

623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO 81101 623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO, United States

At Calvillo's restaurant in Alamosa, upstairs room. Agenda Minutes

January 2020 Roundtable Meeting

623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO 81101 623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO, United States

January Meeting Agenda Meeting Minutes

February 2020 Roundtable Meeting

623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO 81101 623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO, United States

Meeting Agenda Meeting Minutes

March 2020 Roundtable Meeting

623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO 81101 623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO, United States

Meeting Agenda Meeting Minutes

May 2020 Roundtable Meeting

GoToMeeting https://www.gotomeet.me/RioGrandeRoundtable, CO, United States

Meeting Agenda Meeting Minutes

June 2020 Roundtable Meeting

Online Via GoToMeeting -https://www.gotomeet.me/RioGrandeRoundtable Meeting Agenda Meeting Minutes

July 2020 Roundtable Meeting

This meeting will once again take place on gotomeeting Meeting Agenda Meeting Minutes

January 2021 Roundtable Meeting

To join meeting by computer: https://www.gotomeet.me/RioGrandeRoundtable To call in by phone: (Toll Free): 1 866 899 4679 or +1 (571) 317-3117 Access Code: 759-646-093 Executive meeting at 1:30pm at same address Agenda

February 2021 Roundtable Meeting

To join meeting by computer: https://www.gotomeet.me/RioGrandeRoundtable To call in by phone: (Toll Free): 1 866 899 4679 or +1 (571) 317-3117 Access Code: 759-646-093 Agenda Minutes

March 2021 Roundtable Meeting

To join meeting by computer: https://www.gotomeet.me/RioGrandeRoundtable To call in by phone: (Toll Free): 1 866 899 4679 or +1 (571) 317-3117 Access Code: 759-646-093 This meeting will include the presentation of project previews for Roundtable consideration To submit a project, fill out a project sheet template Agenda Minutes

April Roundtable Meeting

Agenda CWCB Code of Conduct To join meeting by computer paste the following link into your browser: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88901649265?pwd=NVdQR1lqM3pRRU1qb09ramhDTGdTUT09 Meeting ID: 889 0164 9265 Passcode: 905657 Or call in info: +1 312 626 6799 US Meeting ID: 889 0164 9265 Passcode: 905657

May 2021 Roundtable Meeting

To join meeting by computer paste the following link into your browser: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9957364861?pwd=VjFBTGtJK0pKY29iemROell1R1l1dz09 Agenda Minutes

September Roundtable Meeting

Rio Grande Water Conservation District Office 8805 Independence Way, Alamosa, CO, United States

Agenda Meeting Minutes

October Roundtable Meeting

623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO 81101 623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO, United States

This meeting will take place at the San Luis Valley Conservancy District Office, 623 Fourth Street in Alamosa. A Zoom option will also be provided. Agenda

November Roundtable Meeting

Rio Grande Water Conservation District Office 8805 Independence Way, Alamosa, CO, United States

This meeting will be hybrid and take place at the Rio Grande Water Conservation District Office. Agenda Minutes

December Roundtable Meeting – CANCELED

DNR Director Dan Gibbs, has put some restrictions on meetings and staff of ANY DNR employee, agency, or "sub-agency" (Roundtables) because of the recent rising Covid cases in Colorado. The most relevant issue for us is he asks that RT meetings scheduled for November can continue as planned, but both December and January meetings be […]

February Roundtable Meeting

Rio Grande Water Conservation District Office 8805 Independence Way, Alamosa, CO, United States

Agenda Minutes  

March Roundtable Meeting

Rio Grande Water Conservation District Office 8805 Independence Way, Alamosa, CO, United States

Agenda Minutes

April Roundtable Education Committee Meeting

623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO 81101 623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO, United States

Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82116940979?pwd=VTBkT1RRcnR3Z3N3VkhTYkd1VHBMUT09Meeting ID: 821 1694 0979 Passcode: 6yK8di One tap mobile +13462487799,,82116940979#,,,,*590001# US (Houston) +16699006833,,82116940979#,,,,*590001# US (San Jose) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) Meeting ID: 821 1694 0979 Passcode: 590001

April Roundtable Meeting

Rio Grande Water Conservation District Office 8805 Independence Way, Alamosa, CO, United States

Agenda Minutes

May Roundtable Meeting

Rio Grande Water Conservation District Office 8805 Independence Way, Alamosa, CO, United States

Agenda Minutes

June Roundtable Meeting

Rio Grande Water Conservation District Office 8805 Independence Way, Alamosa, CO, United States

8805 Independence Way, Alamosa, CO or Via Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83453836714?pwd=RElOUHh0OGt0Q2VPMjhmRGZoSHBPdz09 Meeting ID: 834 5383 6714 Passcode: 538418   Agenda May Minutes

July Roundtable Education Meeting

623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO 81101 623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO, United States

1. Review/Plan for Upcoming Events (Trinchera Tour, Manassa Pioneer Days) 2. Update on Forest Health 101 and presentation at the general RT meeting by Dr. Katie Schneider 3. Review and Update RT Education Plan 4. Water '22 Update Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85629156512?pwd=Vnl3MFJXY29FNGZNNGtNYm1vUkdoQT09 Meeting ID: 856 2915 6512 Passcode: qXL6ga One tap mobile +12532158782,,85629156512#,,,,*598058# US (Tacoma) +13462487799,,85629156512#,,,,*598058# […]

July Roundtable Meeting

Rio Grande Water Conservation District Office 8805 Independence Way, Alamosa, CO, United States

Agenda Minutes

October Roundtable Meeting

Rio Grande Water Conservation District Office 8805 Independence Way, Alamosa, CO, United States

Minutes Agenda

Roundtable Education Committee Meeting

623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO 81101 623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO, United States

We will discuss the ed plan for the remainder of the year as well as our upcoming Ed Committee Retreat at Trinchera Ranch on December 5th. In addition, we have a request for sponsorship of the Congreso de Acequias from the Sangre de Cristo Acequia Association (attached), which we will review as well. Topic: RGBRT […]

November Roundtable Meeting

Rio Grande Water Conservation District Office 8805 Independence Way, Alamosa, CO, United States

To join meeting by computer paste the following link into your browser: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9957364861?pwd=VjFBTGtJK0pKY29iemROell1R1l1dz09 Or call in info: +1 312 626 6799 US Meeting ID: 995 736 4861 Passcode: 962140 Agenda

February Roundtable Education Meeting

623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO 81101 623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO, United States

This meeting will be hybrid Zoom Meeting Info: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81285394934?pwd=QmJKb0ovdThIVWhFbDdjUzhEeHpIZz09 Meeting ID: 812 8539 4934 Passcode: UVg3TN One tap mobile +17193594580,,81285394934#,,,,*602220# US +12532158782,,81285394934#,,,,*602220# US (Tacoma)

623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO 81101 623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO, United States

This meeting will take place at the SLVWCD Conference room and discuss education actions for the next few months hybrid zoom option: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85743498969?pwd=cUhXWjdwOWdIdkFMNkNub1owTW9ZUT09

April Roundtable Meeting

Rio Grande Water Conservation District Office 8805 Independence Way, Alamosa, CO, United States

Agenda Minutes

June Roundtable Meeting

Rio Grande Water Conservation District Office 8805 Independence Way, Alamosa, CO, United States

In person at the Water Conservation District offices and via zoom Agenda https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81384201880?pwd=UjFBTkhGa2dNNHVUSER5MDRQVnhPZz09 Meeting ID: 813 8420 1880 Passcode: 942650

July Roundtable Meeting

Rio Grande Water Conservation District Office 8805 Independence Way, Alamosa, CO, United States

Agenda https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81384201880?pwd=UjFBTkhGa2dNNHVUSER5MDRQVnhPZz09 Meeting ID: 813 8420 1880 Passcode: 942650

August Roundtable Meeting

Rio Grande Water Conservation District Office 8805 Independence Way, Alamosa, CO, United States

https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81384201880?pwd=UjFBTkhGa2dNNHVUSER5MDRQVnhPZz09 Meeting ID: 813 8420 1880 Passcode: 942650 Agenda

September Roundtable Meeting

Rio Grande Water Conservation District Office 8805 Independence Way, Alamosa, CO, United States

Agenda Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81384201880?pwd=UjFBTkhGa2dNNHVUSER5MDRQVnhPZz09 Meeting ID: 813 8420 1880 Passcode: 942650

October Roundtable Meeting

Rio Grande Water Conservation District Office 8805 Independence Way, Alamosa, CO, United States

Agenda Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81384201880?pwd=UjFBTkhGa2dNNHVUSER5MDRQVnhPZz09

C9 Roundtable Summit

The CWCB will host the C9 Summit on November 14, 2023 from 8am - 5:30pm at the Westin Westminster, 10600 Westminster Blvd., Westminster, CO 80020. The C9 Summit is a meeting of the 9 Basin Roundtables, the Interbasin Compact Committee, and the CWCB board for a thoughtful discussion around current issues and collaboration.

Roundtable Education Committee Meeting

623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO 81101 623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO, United States

This meeting will primarily be reviewing the 2024 Education Plan. If you were unable to attend the retreat, this meeting is the best opportunity to get events and ideas on the ed committee's radar for the the upcoming year. A zoom link will be shared here at a later date

February Roundtable Meeting

Rio Grande Water Conservation District Office 8805 Independence Way, Alamosa, CO, United States

Meeting details TBA

Roundtable Education Committee Meeting

623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO 81101 623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO, United States

Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82653436651?pwd=kSGHsL85HWLZg1pWraC6rUlkQHNizY.1 Agenda

March Roundtable Meeting

Rio Grande Water Conservation District Office 8805 Independence Way, Alamosa, CO, United States

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81384201880?pwd=UjFBTkhGa2dNNHVUSER5MDRQVnhPZz09 Agenda Water Quality Report

April Roundtable Meeting

Rio Grande Water Conservation District Office 8805 Independence Way, Alamosa, CO, United States

Agenda https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81384201880?pwd=UjFBTkhGa2dNNHVUSER5MDRQVnhPZz09 Meeting ID: 813 8420 1880 Passcode: 942650

May Roundtable Meeting

Rio Grande Water Conservation District Office 8805 Independence Way, Alamosa, CO, United States

Agenda Rio Grande Water Conservation District 8805 Independence way or Via Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81384201880?pwd=UjFBTkhGa2dNNHVUSER5MDRQVnhPZz09 Meeting ID: 813 8420 1880 Passcode: 942650

May Roundtable Education Committee Meeting

623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO 81101 623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO, United States

Agenda SLVWCD Conference Room, 623 4th Street, Alamosa OR Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85027693793?pwd=tkuY8fNJGajoQzWZw1gGHMLGPxLNwc.1 Meeting ID: 850 2769 3793 Passcode: 7aG0De

June Roundtable Meeting

Rio Grande Water Conservation District Office 8805 Independence Way, Alamosa, CO, United States

Agenda Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81384201880?pwd=UjFBTkhGa2dNNHVUSER5MDRQVnhPZz09

July Roundtable Education Committee Meeting

623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO 81101 623 Fourth St, Alamosa, CO, United States

In person at 623 4th Street, Alamosa, CO 81101 Zoom Meeting at: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84839864046?pwd=p36440YcHFplshuF7zUbHF8PT9mteS.1 Meeting ID: 848 3986 4046 Passcode: 3rXTSi

July Roundtable Meeting

Rio Grande Water Conservation District Office 8805 Independence Way, Alamosa, CO, United States

July 2024 Agenda https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81384201880?pwd=UjFBTkhGa2dNNHVUSER5MDRQVnhPZz09 Meeting ID: 813 8420 1880 Passcode: 942650

August Rountable Meeting

Rio Grande Water Conservation District Office 8805 Independence Way, Alamosa, CO, United States
